So I just check out Volibear and his kit after a few quick leveling and trying out his kit his skills scales with AP so hes an AP tanky DPS and bonus HP helps him be effective in a team fight thats why if you watched Phreak's Champion Spotlight he built a Rylai's Crystal Scepter on Volibear. His Q ability is a good ganking skill which can really secure a kill if you position correctly.
His W is an AS steroid that deals extra
damage based on missing HP. His E skill is good for slowing down fleeing enemies and helps his jungling AoE damage + fear is a really great skill when jungling. His Ult is a mix of damage and AS steroid which deals splash damage great skill for team fight in my opinion. For now I can't really say if hes OP, balance or UP haven't played a real game with him yet but i can really recommend him for those people who want a tank and want to start out jungling with the new jungle remake(see below for details) he can be a really newbie friend jungler.
Jungle Remake
So I've just try out my normal route with the new Jungle all I can say that its easier to kill neutral minions now but they give less exp and gold but they respawn a lot faster this is a good thing now junglers can farm for items quicker and will be force to ward other parts of the jungle for counter jungling. Now the route I usually take is wolves > blue > wraiths > mini golems > red but with the new jungle now I take wolves > blue > wraiths > wolves > red > mini golem > wraiths > wolves then blue pill or gank with the new changes this will really differentiate the good junglers and the great junglers because they are force to chose to clear the jungle or sacrifice exp and gold to gank lanes and counter jungling gives more pressure on the other jungler if done right.
His W is an AS steroid that deals extra
damage based on missing HP. His E skill is good for slowing down fleeing enemies and helps his jungling AoE damage + fear is a really great skill when jungling. His Ult is a mix of damage and AS steroid which deals splash damage great skill for team fight in my opinion. For now I can't really say if hes OP, balance or UP haven't played a real game with him yet but i can really recommend him for those people who want a tank and want to start out jungling with the new jungle remake(see below for details) he can be a really newbie friend jungler.
Jungle Remake
So I've just try out my normal route with the new Jungle all I can say that its easier to kill neutral minions now but they give less exp and gold but they respawn a lot faster this is a good thing now junglers can farm for items quicker and will be force to ward other parts of the jungle for counter jungling. Now the route I usually take is wolves > blue > wraiths > mini golems > red but with the new jungle now I take wolves > blue > wraiths > wolves > red > mini golem > wraiths > wolves then blue pill or gank with the new changes this will really differentiate the good junglers and the great junglers because they are force to chose to clear the jungle or sacrifice exp and gold to gank lanes and counter jungling gives more pressure on the other jungler if done right.
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